'Soaring Toward Financial Freedom'

"Without Vision, HOPE, and Education, There's No Knowledge, Change, or Progress"

'Soaring Toward Financial Freedom' is an innovative tool to Build Bridges of ‘HOPEby Raising Americans’ Financial Literacy IQ. It provides life plans and road maps to build, 'Paths to Homeownership and Self-Sufficiency'. Financial Literacy is the ‘Missing Link’ to better financial decisions and provides recipes for savings and clear paths to homeownership, wealth, and financial freedom.

It's a basic fundamental financial literacy concept introduction to the complex world of money, credit, and finance that explains basic financial literacy concepts, language, and terms. This book course’s focus is on the investment in America, by raising millions of Americans' financial literacy intelligence quotient or IQ. They deserve it, they desperately need it, they are worth it, and they are challenged to succeed without it. They will be more qualified to make better financial choices and decisions for the rest of their lives. It presents the reader with over six dozen 'Food for Thought' recommendations, suggestions, strategies, and solutions to change the current financial situation. It teaches and shows them how to plan, budget, sacrifice, and save their income by living within their means. At the same time, it helps them understand and differentiate between their needs versus their ‘wants’. It explains the importance of tracking and knowing where all their money is spent, to start saving and investing a portion of their income for the future. 

These are the critical components for maintaining a very good to excellent credit score, making it increases their incomes' possible for them to pay less in interest finance charges, which increases their incomes' purchasing power. The tremendous amounts of money they can save in finance charges alone will allow them to accumulate huge savings and financial security over their lifetime. This new financial knowledge gives them the ability to make the best financial decisions, reduce their spending, and create savings, the driving force toward homeownership which is the foundation for building wealth. 

There are a lot of small simple things they can do to better manage and navigate their income, and credit to ensure they have the best chance to achieve their dreams and financial goals. This will allow them to have a better work-life balance, end up with a very comfortable retirement nest egg, and be more financially secure and productive citizens. This 'Food for Thought' financial introduction book course is a 'Gift' designed to increase their basic financial literacy knowledge and provide them with numerous ways to manage their limited income. It's a 'Gift' that keeps on giving over their life again, focusing on raising every American's literacy IQ to achieve financial security.

The Challenge - Uplifting All Americans

Our book division was founded in 2020, based on a forward solution thinking ‘Outside the Box’ philosophy. How can we help all struggling Americans become more financially responsible and secure? Keeping in mind there would be a need for Bipartisan support to expedite this project, to make this investment. We want to increase Americans' financial literacy and uplift all Americans to a better financial position in the next four years. This can be accomplished by analyzing and understanding a different perspective as to why so many Americans who work full-time jobs are still struggling to make ends meet year after year.

The current state of our economy with rising housing, food, and fuel prices up over 8% is forcing people to pay $300 to $450 more a month on basic necessities with no end in sight. These higher prices and unemployment are wreaking havoc on their credit scores, causing many of them to fall below 580 to 670, considered only a fair to average credit score. These continually rising prices are making it impossible for folks to purchase a house, putting them behind on their mortgage payments and many are going into foreclosure. Americans with less-than-good credit scores are paying far too much of their incomes in higher interest payments to finance vehicles, appliances, furniture, and everything else. These conditions have created feelings of a sense of hopelessness and that things will get much worse with no end in sight. We need to provide them with a promise and a vision of HOPE things can and will get better.

When it comes to their finances, they are always having to tread water trying to stay afloat, and they never seem to get anywhere. As they strive to take one step forward prices, inflation, and higher interest rates push them two to three steps further back. Even with government Stimulus checks, tax rebates, employers' wage increases, and bonuses they still can't get ahead of their ever-increasing debt. These funds are like giving a person one meal when they actually need enough food to eat for a lifetime. These one-time influxes of money only allow them to catch up a bill or two, it does not give them the ability to manage their income or change their lives. It’s a never-ending vicious cycle of struggling to save money and keep more than one emergency away from a financial disaster. 

This constant debt and rising prices have put many of them in a financial position where they are unable to save for retirement or take advantage of their employers' matching 401K retirement savings plan. These are just a few of the many missed opportunities they won't have to build a better and more secure financial future. These extremely difficult challenges to maintain a very good credit score have sentenced them to a lifetime of having to finance every large purchase in the 'cesspool' of subprime lenders. These lenders are stealing their savings and financial futures away from them. More importantly, these lenders are eliminating all possibilities and probabilities for them to build and accumulate wealth. This alone will exponentially increase the probability of them having housing, food, and financial insecurities in their futures.

Here are eight very important researched facts that we must seriously consider if there’s any chance of uplifting and helping millions of Americans improve their current financial situation and status. We need to invest in educating our citizens by raising Americans’ financial literacy intelligence quotient, IQ, so they can make the best financial decisions.

Investing in educating Americans is always a good long-term investment with an extremely high ROI. It builds an equitable and sustainable foundation toward homeownership and the creation of wealth for families for generations to come. Increased homeownership drives all aspects of a growing American economy. It provides long-term sustainable boosts and strengthens our local, state, and national economies. This is a no-cost win-win proposition for everyone and the country.

(1) How much is the lack of Financial Literacy costing Americans? The NFEC conducted a survey asking American adults to estimate how much money they had lost during the year due to a lack of financial knowledge. If we generalize the results to represent all of the approximately 254 million adults who live in the U.S., lack of financial literacy costs Americans a total of more than $436 billion in 2022.

(2) How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Child? - EarlyBird  Feb 13, 2023 By any measure, raising kids is expensive! As of 2022, the average cost is around $288,094 total or $16,005 per year. Of course, there's no one-size-fits-all. The costs will vary with each household, and the per-child cost may be lower for you if you have multiple children.

(3) What is the average reading grade level?  What's the latest U.S. literacy rate?- Wylie Communications › Literacy rates The average American reads at the 7th- to 8th-grade level, according to The Literacy Project. Medical information for the public should be written at no higher than an eighth-grade reading level, according to the American Medical Association, National Institutes of Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This translates to finance also. If they cannot read the material, they cannot comprehend, and or ever understand the important messages being conveyed.

(4) WHAT DOES FINANCIAL LITERACY MEAN TO YOU? www.startsmallthinbig.org To me, finance can be considered a language of its own. But it’s a very learnable language for anyone. Just like an English class, there’s vocabulary, story structure (financial statements), and analysis to extract meaning from these stories. The financial industry can use many phrases that make the rest of us think it’s something we can’t understand. Still, every component of economic language is a simple thing that we know already in different words. If someone can get a confident grasp of all those simple components, then even the most complex combinations can become understandable.

(5) Financial Illiteracy – What Exactly Is It?  According to the National Financial Educators Council, financial illiteracy is “Lacking the skills and knowledge on financial matters to confidently take effective action that best fulfills an individual’s personal, family, and global community goals.” A person who is financially illiterate may inadequately save for retirement, spend more than their budget allows, and make other financial decisions that provide short-term gratification but result in negative long-term consequences. However, there may be other causes beyond just financial illiteracy that affect a person’s financial situation. Financial problems can occur due to unfortunate behaviors, past mistakes, and even lack of opportunity – all these issues can have an impact equal to or greater than financial illiteracy.

(6) What Is Financial Literacy By JASON FERNAND  Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. When you are financially literate, you have the foundation of a relationship with money, and it is a lifelong journey of learning. The earlier you start, the better off you will be, because education is the key to success when it comes to money.

(7) Why Financial Literacy Matters  From day-to-day expenses to long-term budget forecasting, financial literacy is crucial for managing these factors. It is important to plan and save enough to provide adequate income in retirement while avoiding high levels of debt that might result in
bankruptcy, defaults, and foreclosures.

(8) What the Experts Say About Financial Illiteracy? “I think people don’t understand compound interest because typically no one ever explains it to them and the level of financial literacy in the US is very low.” – James Surowiecki, journalist at The New Yorker and author of “The Financial Page” column. “Without financial literacy, divorce rates soar, families rupture, and women stay with abusive men for financial security. A lack of jobs contributes to riots and illegal activity. Name any situation and it goes back to money. We need to focus on poverty eradication.”– John Hope Bryant, CEO of Operation HOPE. “The good news, though, is that all of us can improve the security of our futures through financial literacy. With a better understanding of the basics of finance—how to save, budget, and invest—we can increase both our earning potential and our prospects for a solid financial future.” – Reba Dominski, President of U.S. Bank Foundation.

Our Solution - Educates and Provides 'HOPE'

Our Solution's primary goal is to raise millions of Americans' financial literacy intelligence quotient by making an investment in them. This one simple accomplishment of increased financial literacy with give them the knowledge to better manage and navigate their limited income and avoid making poor financial decisions, especially during these times of higher prices and inflation. This book course educates, teaches, and prepares them with financial life skill tools to achieve their dreams. They are now better equipped to make the best financial decision and avoid the many financial 'pitfalls' derailing their secure financial futures. This new financial knowledge empowers them to increase the purchasing power of their limited finances.

Our Solution will uplift and benefit entire families when taking the course together as a family goal to change their lives. They will learn the importance of maintaining the highest possible credit score and rating, which is the key to creating and generating savings and wealth. They will also see the costly consequences and cost of poor credit. These lessons teach them how to live within their means and budget is critical to earning the ‘right’ to pay the lowest available interest rates. This will ensure they have traditional credit and loan options available always paying the lowest interest rates on all the items they must finance. Rather than only having their current subprime lending market as their only financing option. Those citizens sentenced to use these subprime lenders are how and where they have been losing all possibilities of a secure financial future. Their future savings are often stolen from them by predatory lenders without them even realizing it.

Managing their credit score and savings are the key fundamental components to increasing their purchasing power and having the ability to accumulate savings. They can save tens of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in lower-interest finance payments. The book course explains and shows how maintaining as close to an excellent as possible credit score is the single most important financial decision a person can make to ensure long-term financial success.

It also shows, explains, and illustrates the value and benefits of raising their financial literacy IQ. These better decisions show them ways to save a portion of their income. These are the ‘keys’ to savings and having access to money when it's time for a down payment to purchase a house. Homeownership is known as the cornerstone and foundation for building financial security and wealth. Homeownership gives you the ability to control your housing expenses over your lifetime. It is an asset that will reward them with special lower interest rates when they need to borrow money and with appreciation in value over the years.

"An investment in increasing the mass population's financial literacy is always a good investment".

Make a Difference with the 'STFF HOPE PROCESS'

Join us by making an investment in your citizens, employees, and students by implementing the ‘STFF HOPE PROCESS’ simply because they deserve it, they need it, they are worth it and they can't succeed without it. The Process allows Americans to feel included in the organization's future plans and once it is implemented it provides them with immediate measurable feedback to stay on course to financial success. The 'STFF HOPE PROCESS' was created to provide financially struggling Americans with "HOPE' and the opportunity to change their lives and build a better financial future for themselves and their families.

Financial literacy is the one 'missing link' component that has been keeping struggling Americans from conscientiously proactively planning for and achieving their American Dreams as well as a secure financial future. Financial literacy is the 'Gift' that keeps on giving over a lifetime and can be passed down as a legacy to future generations. If this ‘Gift’ is paid forward correctly and everyone buys into it, it can continue in perpetuity.

The 'STFF HOPE PROCESS' has the potential to drastically reduce the current number of citizens with food, housing, and financial insecurities. It will build generational wealth and start the war to end poverty in America as we know it today.

So, let's make the investment, to put them on the path to self-sufficiency and financial success. Because "Any investment that uplifts all Americans is always a good investment. Especially an investment that has a humungous ROI for everyone and the country."